Hey followers! So a lot has been going on behind the scenes lately. I have some really cool announcements which I will give more info on later, but here is a high level list of cool happenings with the Total Nuclear Annihilation project.
Name Update
This project is now called Total Nuclear Annihilation in order to distinguish itself from the 1990’s video game. These are not the same!
Yes, you heard that right. Total Nuclear Annihilation will be produced! Although this was not my original intent, Spooky Pinball has agreed to work with me to get this game into your houses and bars near you.
Spooky Pinball Podcast
I appeared on the Spooky Pinball Podcast this month and we talked about all sorts of pinball stuff.
Listen to it here: http://www.spookypinball.com/podcast-2/
Artist Stuff
You guys already know this, but art is not something I do well, even though my mom is a professional ceramics artist, this did not flow well down the bloodline, and definitely does not mean I know how to do awesome pinball art. 🙂
Matt Andrews will be doing all the art for Total Nuclear Annihilation to bring it to the next level!
More info on Matt Andrews here: http://www.mandraws.com
Graphics Stuff
I am also proud to say that David Van Es will be doing the LCD animations for Total Nuclear Annihilation as well!
TPF and MGC were awesome
Thank you to Ed and team at TPF and Dan and team at MGC! I had an amazing time there with the machine and am glad I had the opportunity to show it.
Southern Fried Gameroom Expo
Total Nuclear Annihilation will be at SFGE this year on June 9th – 11th at the Spooky Pinball booth. I will also be there playing dollar games.
Dead Flip Stream (5/12/17 @5pm CST)
Dead Flip will be guests again at the Sleepy Nut Tavern and streaming the Total Nuclear Annihilation whitewood machine!
There are lots of new features and graphics, so make sure to tune in. There also may be a hint at what the artwork will look like. 🙂
Stream starts at 5pm CST. https://www.twitch.tv/dead_flip
Thank you
And, a big thank you to everyone for the great feedback on the game. I really appreciate it and I love watching you guys and gals enjoy the game. Thank you once again!
That is about it for now, I will update again with more details soon! Thanks for following!