Hey Everyone,
I finally got around to starting my Earthshaker software rewrite project. I decided to call this project Earthshaker Aftershock.
Overall Goal:
The plan for this project is to redo the entire code for Earthshaker and take advantage of it’s great playfield layout. As we all know Earthshaker is a great game as it sits, but I feel it could be so much more. I will be posting updates throughout the project and I hope to have something to show for Expo next year! Let me know if you guys have any questions or suggestions. I am always open to feedback (positive or negative).
This code will not be for sale but will be available on my GitHub account for those of you who want to check it out.
Please note that this code is built on the P-ROC and Procgame framework and cannot be run on an Earthshaker machine without extensive customization to the machine hardware itself.
I will be adding all new mini-modes along with new audio and display interaction. I will keep the game easy to understand for novice players and deep enough for the most experienced.
I have in my possession Earthshaker prototype #2 (at least most of it) and I will be using that machine for my software re-write. I do not plan on adding a DMD, I will be using the stock Alphanumeric displays (Thank you Jim). I have also acquired one of Mark’s System 11 P-ROC interface boards! This project is going to be great.
I will be updating my topic on the Pinballcontrollers.com forum with technical updates. You can visit the link here: http://www.pinballcontrollers.com/forum/index.php?topic=1001.0
As a first update, here is a video of my proof of concept code which allows me to test all of the hardware interaction with the P-ROC and the computer.